Re: RE: Accessibility Article on Fox News Online Today

>>> <> (Jamie Fox) 11/23 3:30 PM >>>
I agree that better tools for the government arena will likely mean better
tools for other areas.
A minor point, the GSA page you mentioned (
seems fine to me.  It has alt tags and PWWebSpeak reads it fine as far as I
can tell.

When I view the page with Netscape Navigator 4.0, the graphic "ftsintro.gif" which has alternate text of "Federal Telecommunications Service" actually contains an entire paragraph of text, which begins:

Federal Technology Service [not "Telecommunications"!]

GSA's Federal Technology Service (FTS) has only one business: to provide its customers with value-added information technology solutions and network services. ...

And so on for several more sentences. If you're getting this text with PWWebSpeak, then they must be delivering different versions of the page based on the browser in use. If not, they've recreated exactly the problem which led to Tamez' lawsuit.

<author>Chris Kreussling</author> 
<disclaimer>The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal Reserve System.</disclaimer>

Received on Monday, 23 November 1998 17:03:47 UTC