RE: TeamRehab On The Web

Oh boy.  Well, you did you ask for this.  Don't get me wrong, I love your 

Your web page is awful.

It is totally inaccessible to someone using a screen reader or text-only 
web browser (like Lynx).  You don't even have alt-text.  Frames are a 
navigation nightmare for everyone, and you have FOUR on your home page (all 
without titles).

It is bad enough when people outside the field of AT have inaccessible 
sites.  It is pathetic when people who should know better produce work like 
this.  Your web team has failed you.  They have a lot of work and learning 
ahead of them.  Start with the url:

Sorry to be so harse, but I am being honest.  It would be hard to overstate 
how depressing those of us who advocate for universal design find it when 
we are betrayed by one of our own.  I wish you had asked a few people 
privately to review your site before posting to a list serve.

Bruce Bailey

From: 	AESegedy
Sent: 	Wednesday, April 29, 1998 5:53 PM
Subject: 	TeamRehab On The Web

I'm very happy to be able to tell you that we have completed the redesign 
our web site. We are, of course, regularly adding new material and updating
the content of different pages. But the new look is there and I hope you'll
all stop by. And don't be shy about telling me what you think!

Hope to see you all in Minneapolis!

Andria Segedy
TeamRehab Report

Received on Thursday, 30 April 1998 14:57:34 UTC